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Kutay Yunculer

Kutay Yüncüler is a Ph.D. student at Keio University with the MEXT Scholarship and a Special Research Student at the University of Tokyo. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University in 2013. After four years of professional experience in construction sites and design offices, he started his master's degree in the Architectural Design Computing master program under the Department of Informatics at Istanbul Technical University. He completed his master's thesis titled "A Design Process for Social Network Data-Driven Adaptive Architecture in January 2020. Following that, he joined Ikeda Lab at Keio University in April 2020 to study for a Ph.D. as a MEXT Scholar. He is currently studying "Phygital Public Spaces as Gateways between Physical and Digital Public Spaces." His research interests are adaptive architecture, phygitality in public spaces, and social network data analysis.

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